Open enrollment closes Thursday, August 1st









Dentists who want to help their patients with Sleep Apnea and TMD, but have been frustrated by: 

  • A lack of progress
  • A lack of return on the investment you’ve already made in education, equipment, systems and consulting

…or you don’t even know where to begin.

FINALLY! An on demand, comprehensive program that not only gives you real, practical tools that you can use to ADD or INCREASE Dental Sleep Medicine and TMD in your practice…

But also gives you another way to change your patients’ lives (sometimes literally saving their lives—and saving your back and neck). You’ll finally understand how TMD, occlusion, bruxism, airway and oral health are all related (and how to help your patients avoid breaking their restorations and blaming you).

Have you ever wanted to be a superhero in your patient’s eyes?

It’s okay - we all do. And it feels pretty cool when we can be. 

We all want to swoop in, save the day and make a real difference in the lives of our patients. Typically we achieve this through maintaining the health, function and aesthetics of our patients mouths—a truly essential part of any overall health plan…

But you know there is more that you could be doing. That you should be doing.

If you’ll give me a few moments of your time,

I’m going to show you precisely how you can

become a superhero for your patients…

All while growing your practice, increasing your income,

and drastically changing your own financial future (becoming

MORE free to do what you want, when you want in the process).

Sound like a win-win situation?

You bet it does.

Before I show you exactly how I can help you get these results for your practice, allow me to talk frankly for a moment.

It can be kind of tough to be a dentist out there these days, right? 

You’ve got patients who don’t listen to you and are probably a Google search away from finding a new practice with cheaper rates or weekend appointments or more free junk.

Not to mention corporate dental offices popping up everywhere, with their DEEP pockets for marketing, and contracts with EVERY insurance plan (or companies going “direct to consumer” and cutting out the dentist completely)!

You’re consistently questioned about your fees, second opinions are provided by YouTube, and you and your team feel beaten over the head at every turn.

And we’re not even going to talk about your rising overhead costs (but you know they are).

And, if you’re like most dentists, Covid exposed just how susceptible dental practices are when our primary procedures are considered “non essential,” and now our patients are hearing everyday about inflation and possible recession and this is changing what they view “as essential.”

So you do what you can—you work to get your patients to refer their friends or leave a nice google review; you take Continuing Ed courses to try to learn what else you can do clinically; and you try to figure out how to market your practice using social media, your website, or even sending postcards.

Eventually, you grow your practice into something that can sustain you.  You’ve got a partner, maybe two. The practice grows. You’ve got a nice staff with a low turnover rate and things move along…okay.

But is that really enough?

Is that why you spent all that time in school?

Is that really the impact you want to make on the world—and the life you want for your family? 

Just “okay”?

It doesn’t have to be that way, you know. 

It can be easier. You can have a bigger impact.  A thriving practice…that you enjoy.

That doesn’t hurt your back. 

Or your neck.

You can add another aspect to your practice that sets you ahead of the competition.

Do something that corporate dentistry really can’t do.

Do something that IS considered essential, doesn’t produce the aerosols that normal restorative dentistry does, and makes your team more comfortable working with you.

And maybe even make it home in time for dinner!

Imagine how it would feel to have a patient testimonial that talks about literally saving their life, helping them keep their job, getting them off of meds, or you being the one that figured out that their child didn’t have ADHD, they were just tired!!!

Take a moment and think about the impact that would have on you, your family, and your community. Now think of the ripple effects that spread from those impacts. Think about your legacy.

And if you’re ready to discover precisely how that can happen…keep reading because I’ve got a solution that is pretty tough to find anywhere else…

You already know that Sleep Apnea is a HUGE problem.

You also know that many of your patients have TMJ Disorders, and have no idea what to do (and you’re not sure what they should do either) and both of these health issues have proven and accepted dental treatment plans.

But most dentists aren’t treating these types of disorders…and if you’re still reading this message, I bet you’re not set up to treat these disorders in your practice either, or you’re not doing it at the level that you’d really like to because of various bottle necks and frustrations.

It can be a daunting task to think about training your staff, getting new patients, and doing all the “stuff” that comes along with incorporating or expanding Sleep and TMD in your practice.

But remember the future you imagined for yourself when you’re making the difference in your community….

The AASM now estimates that 26% of adults in the United States have sleep apnea, and the vast majority are yet to be diagnosed.

The NIH estimates that over 10 million Americans suffer with TMJ disorders.

I think both of those estimates are very low…but the fact remains that there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people suffering…

And as I mentioned in the video, the upcoming Apple Watch and other wearable devices will alert people that they may have sleep apnea, increasing awareness and massively increasing the number of people seeking care.

And YOU can do something about it.

Another thing that the Covid taught us is that people with underlying health conditions are at FAR greater risk.

Obesity is one of the conditions on the CDC’s short list, saying that “people of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19.” As you are most likely aware, obesity also significantly increases the risk of sleep apnea. We can help these people and perhaps get them on a road to a more healthy weight with increased energy and vitality as they gain more restorative sleep.

I’ve taken the years of experience and training that I have (more on that in a minute) and compiled a series of on demand courses, materials and mentoring specifically designed to help you incorporate Dental Sleep Medicine (DSM) and TMD treatments into your practice.

So why did I create an On Demand Education and Mentoring program?

Because I got tired of people taking my courses at the ADA, Yankee, Hinman, TDA, CDA, Greater New York and dozens of other dental meetings around the country and around the world, but not implementing what they learned.

Because I got tired of dentists taking multi-day mini residency programs, with days out of their office and away from their families, learning from incredible faculty—and then meeting them a year or two later to hear them say they really weren’t using what they learned.

Because I got tired of dentists being targeted by companies to sell them all sorts of stuff, schemes, equipment, magical appliances, billing services and more, taking away their hard earned money, without any return on their investment (and usually with the stuff ending up in a closet), and without any of their patients getting the help they needed.

When I first started considering the idea of people needing an on demand education and mentoring program, I looked around at what currently existed as a resource. I was hoping that there was something I could just refer people to. 

Something that would help them go from where they were to where they wanted to be.

Now, there are MANY excellent online study clubs and CE courses out there on lots of different areas of dentistry, but they’re all very limited in their scope with regard to DSM and TMD…

But even more than that, they don’t show you how to implement the skills in your practice or how to use the new knowledge to help more of your patients, as well as increase your production. 

They simply show a basic overview and leave you to figure out the rest…or refer you to other groups and companies to help fill in the gaps.

That upset me.

So, reluctantly, I got to work.

First, I started by looking at the material that I cover with my one-on-one coaching clients. I organized it into modules and then began to fill in the blanks to give you a one-stop solution.

Then, I refined it. I got feedback from trusted colleagues, clients and associates, and I added more information that filled in any blanks I found.

And then I added even more. I squeezed in information about marketing and billing; training your staff and working with the medical community. 

I gathered all the forms that I use in my own practices, the forms that we’ve created over 25 years of a practice completely limited to DSM and TMD, and I tweaked them to be even easier to implement.

I collected letters that I’ve written to other medical professionals and turned them into templates. I put together my best how-to resources on everything from billing help to fabricating morning repositioners.

Only then did I actually begin creating the lessons themselves—organized, thorough, comprehensive lessons that will take you from where you are now to incorporating sleep apnea and TMD in your practice at the level you desire!

In short… I threw everything I had at this program so I could make sure it was the best, most comprehensive, only program you’ll need when you decide that it’s time to treat or expand your treatment of Sleep Apnea and TMD in your practice (and organized it in such a way as to make it easy to access and use, rather than an overwhelming pile of stuff that never gets used).

As I mentioned, there are other CE courses out there that you can access online… but that’s not the only way to learn.

There are several great 2-3 day courses out there (and at least a half dozen that aren’t so great). I even helped develop and teach “mini-residencies” at 4 different dental schools. 

I know dentists who have spent tens of thousands of dollars flying around the country, taking time away from their office, and leaving their spouse and children at home, to spend their valuable time (the only totally non-renewable resource you have) in weekend courses.

And yet, even with multiple courses under their belts, they are still not comfortable taking action and getting started actually treating patients.

Does that sound familiar?

Knowledge is NOT power. Implementation is power. 

But most of the dentists I meet want to feel that they are really competent before they get started.  They wish to “do no harm,” which is a noble desire that I totally understand and agree with! 

So I’ve used this as the focus behind my program—to give you (the honest dentist, who is primarily looking to help her or his patients) the education, tools and skills necessary, in a format that allows for as much repetition as you want!

This means that your desire to make an impact in your community can also meet your desire to have a business that supports your family in the way that you’ve always wanted.

This program is designed to help you:

  • Get the very best education in dental sleep medicine and TMD without a sales pitch and having to buy a bunch of stuff or services,
  • Watch and learn at your own pace, with the ability to review any aspect of the course, whenever you want, anywhere you want, as much as you want,
  • Be able to train your team members without the huge expenses associated with travel, tuitions and wages (only to find out later you spent all that money to “train some other dentist’s new employee”),
  • Have materials to train your staff immediately when they are hired, instead of waiting for another course to come around,
  • Have easy access to great training materials for morning huddles and team meetings,
  • Have more time in your practice and with your family and less time in airports and hotels—after all, you sleep better in your own bed, right? 

Here’s How It Works:

Spencer Study Club has 5 levels, each of which covers a different aspect of Dental Sleep Medicine and TMD.

Each level consists of pre-recorded video “Live style” presentations that can be watched at whatever pace you choose—one hour a day; one hour a week; or binge watch 48 hours in a row…Netflix style! (I don’t recommend that…but you could).

Plus, there are audio downloads to listen to in your car or while you work out or walk your dog, and written transcripts if you prefer to read the content or keep it handy for easy review. 

This means that no matter how you learn—no matter what your preference and style, you’re covered by this program!

Not only will you be able to learn at your own pace, you’ll also have the opportunity to access the secret Spencer Study Club Facebook forum, where you can ask questions, learn from other Study Club members, and network in a place where everyone is dedicated to helping their patients and growing their practices just like you! Since SSC has now been running for several years, just scrolling through the pages and pages and pages of Facebook posts you’ll find countless pearls!

I could have stopped there… but I didn’t. You’ll also receive:

  • All the forms for every step of the process
  • All the letters for communicating with the prescribing physician
  • All the billing helps and templates
  • Access to short “how to” videos
  • Discounted Live Hands-On Events focused on your needs
  • Access to all content for you and up to 5 team members per office (at the same address) for a full year
  • Additional dentists in the same practice location at 75% off

PLUS CE Certificates when you complete the quizzes—for you and up to 5 of your team (and if you have a bigger team, that’s great—we’ll get them their certificates too for a nominal fee).

AND you have on demand access so you can revisit the content as often as you’d like.

Sound like it’s too good to be true?

It’s 100% real - and I haven’t even gotten to the best part… what you’ll learn!

So let me give you an overview of the content in each level.

Level 1: Get Started Saving Lives

In this level, you’ll receive 14 hours of on demand training on the basics of dental sleep medicine and TMJ disorders. This level is the foundation for all the other information included in Spencer Study Club, and you’ll discover:

  • The basics of normal sleep
  • Improving your sleep (and your patients’ sleep)
  • Snoring and why it’s not benign
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults
  • OSA in children
  • How depression, GERD, ADHD, Fibromyalgia, and other common problems may be related to OSA
  • Screening your patients
  • Home sleep testing and in lab testing
  • Oral appliances for OSA—choosing the right appliance made simple
  • How to avoid the most common side effects
  • How to treat the most common side effects
  • Everything you wish you remembered about head and neck anatomy
  • The most common TMJ disorders revealed and the secrets to diagnosing and treating them without lots of expensive equipment (or expensive treatments)
  • The connection between bruxism, TMJ problems, and OSA and how to know when OSA may be to blame
  • Avoiding the top mistakes dentists make when getting started
  • How to work WITH your local medical community instead of against them
  • Do’s and Don’ts of medical billing…how to keep your license, stay out of prison, and actually have the insurance companies sending patients to you!

The idea behind Level 1 is to provide you with ALL of the basics (and not so basics) of Dental Sleep Medicine and TMD, so you can MASTER the basics, and use the content to TRAIN your team and new team members as they join your practice.

Level 2: Confident Clinical Care

In level 2, you’re going to get 10 total hours of on demand training that will help you be 100% confident in delivering quality clinical care to your Sleep Apnea patients.

Oftentimes, this is where people get hung up - they know the basics and they have an understanding of how things work, but when it’s time to interact with the patient, you and your staff may feel a lack of confidence.

Not any longer with this level! You’ll discover:

  • Taking a patient from initial screening to final follow up (including how to choose the right appliance for maximum efficacy and minimum risk of side effects)
  • Maximizing your outcomes through titration of oral appliances in the sleep lab (and how to become a trusted colleague of the local sleep docs, sleep techs, and sleep lab managers)
  • How to read and understand sleep study reports (home and PSG)
  • Oral appliance adjustments—tightening, loosening, adding vertical, etc.
  • Oral appliance tips and tricks (including modifying appliances for restorative needs)
  • In depth look at avoiding side effects
  • In depth protocols for dealing with side effects

Level 2 gives you everything you need to take your patients from Initial Screening to Final Follow Up, so you can INCREASE your number of cases and INCREASE your success rate while IMPROVING your PROFITABILITY.

Level 3: Totally TDM

Level 3 is designed to immerse you in the world of TMD—diagnoses, treatments, and everything in between. This is a true intensive on what you’re going to experience and work with in your practice…which means you’ll quickly become the expert in all things TMD (believe it or not… it’s not as complicated as you’ve been led to believe).

In these 8 on demand hours, you’ll discover:

  • Advanced TMD examination skills (no ownership of expensive equipment required)
  • Basics of splint therapy for TMD: night guards, day splints, when to use what, why & how
  • Treating OSA and TMD simultaneously (yes it can be done…we do it every day!!!)
  • Retrodiscitis/Synovitis diagnosis, treatment, and management (the most common intracapsular TMJ problem)
  • Myalgia and Myofascial pain, diagnosis, treatment and management
  • How to perform trigger point injections (your staff will love you!)
  • Internal derangements (popping, clicking and locking), diagnosis, treatment, and management
  • How to unlock someone with a closed lock, and keep it unlocked
  • Craniofacial pain problems, diagnosis, treatment, and management
  • Use of diagnostic and therapeutic injections (including extra oral injections, or what I call “injections outside the deep dark hole”)
  • Botox for TMD: when it’s indicated…and when it’s stupid

Level 3 is all about PRACTICAL guidance on how to diagnose AND treat the most common TMJ Disorders, so you can FEEL MORE CONFIDENT in your treatment of your Sleep Patients, FEEL MORE CONFIDENT in your treatment of your TMD Patients, and FEEL MORE CONFIDENT in your treatment of ALL your patients.

Level 4: Expanding Your Impact

Level 4 is my answer to all the CE courses out there that DON’T teach you how to make a profit while you’re out saving the world—after all, just because our mission is to help people and make a difference in our community…doesn’t mean we have to go broke doing it (someone once said, “no money, no mission”)!

In these 8 on demand hours, you’re going to get the strategies that will allow your practice to thrive using all the other information you’ve learned. Strategies like:

  • How to work with and market to the medical community, instead of trying to go around them
  • The pros and cons of contracting with Medicare and insurance companies (Want to see more patients? This might be the way to do it!)
  • How to work with DME companies and sleep labs
  • Marketing to the public that actually works, AFTER you’ve built your solid reputation foundation (since your good reputation is perhaps your most valuable asset)

Level 4 provides the practical tips and tricks regarding internal and external marketing, so you can BUILD A STRONG FOUNDATION, while you INCREASE AWARENESS of your care and services, while IMPROVING YOUR REPUTATION AND RELATIONSHIPS in your medical and dental communities.

Level 5: Deep Into Sleep

Level 5 is my Sleep Disorders Deep Dive Series—dedicated solely to helping you recognize and help your patients, your family, and yourself sleep and feel better. Many times, our patients come to us for unrelated issues (such as routine cleanings and cavities) but we can help to uncover sleep disorders simply by spending a little extra time with them, knowing what questions to ask and looking a little bit beyond their teeth!

In the 8 hours of Level 5, you’ll discover:

  • What you need to know about Insomnia, RLS, PLMS and other sleep disorders
  • How medications affect sleep and why it’s not always just about the airway
  • OSA and its connections to seemingly everything
  • Normal and abnormal sleep in children, and why your children are NOT getting enough sleep
  • Life hacks to get your best possible sleep (share these with your patients, family and friends!)

Level 5 takes a deeper dive into those things that can hurt and help your and your patients’ sleep, so you can help your patients “who don’t feel better” with their oral appliance therapy. You will become one of your patients’ most trusted medical advisors when you help them BEYOND just oral appliance therapy. And perhaps most importantly, you will maximize the benefits of your and your family’s sleep.

So how do you get started?

I know that 48+ hours of content feels overwhelming, especially when I’ve just thrown multiple bullet points at you for each level! 

For some of the people that have read this letter, it was simply too much and they couldn’t see themselves implementing it in their practice. Their “why” just isn’t big enough. They’re probably just in it for the money, and are now looking for another “get rich quick with the hot new thing” type of program.

But not you.

You’re still here, which tells me that you think this is the right move for you. That this could be how you can serve your patients moving forward and build a practice that gives your family everything you’ve ever wanted to give them…including more of you.

And if that’s true, then let’s get started.

Everything you just read about, all 5 levels, all the documents, all the helps, videos, audios, transcripts, everything included is 3 payments of $1750 for your annual membership tuition! Or, if you’d like to save a few bucks, you may make a single payment of $5,000.

AND RIGHT NOW we are offering the opportunity to take TWICE AS LONG to pay the tuition! 6 months instead of 3… so 6 monthly payments of $875.

Let’s put that annual tuition fee into perspective.

The other day I was emailed an ad for a weekend course. It was a good course, put together by good people. They weren’t trying to sell any equipment or expensive software or systems. There wasn’t going to be a room full of exhibitors. Just a good weekend course.

The tuition for 1 dentist was $1795. Not the cheapest course out there, and not the most expensive. Tuition was $495 for team members.

So let’s say that you want to attend this course and take 3 of your team members.

That’s $1795 + $495 + $495 + $495 = $3280

Now if you’re like me, you’d have to travel with your team to take this course. Let’s say you find a flight for $250 round trip.

$250 + $250 + $250 + $250 = $1000

Now let’s assume the course is in an airport hotel, so you don’t need to get a car rental.

You will need some hotel rooms though. Let’s assume that 2 of your 3 team members are OK sharing a room, and you get your own room. You would just need the 3 rooms for 2 nights, and let’s say they’re only $149/night.

$149 + $149 + $149 + $149 +$149 + $149= $894

Now let’s assume that your team members want to eat while they’re there AND they’d like to be paid for the hours they’re in the class (which is apparently the law in most states… but also seems reasonable). We’ll go cheap and budget $25/day per person for food, and let’s say the average team member’s wage is $20/hour and the course is 8 hours per day.

Food = $200

Wages = $960

So let’s see where we’re at for our weekend course:

Tuition = $3280

Travel = $1000

Hotel = $894

Food = $200

Wages = $960

For a grand total of $6,334.

For 16 hours of CE. Or to put that another way, $395.88 per hour of CE.

But you do get a nice notebook of stuff. And you and your team take some notes that you might look at again to be able to review the material.

Let’s assume that you didn’t have to shorten your schedule and lose production on Thursday afternoon in order to travel to the course.

Let’s assume you didn’t really need any time to catch up at the office.

Let’s assume you didn’t miss any family event or your child’s soccer game.

Let's assume that the weather would have been too bad to run, golf, fish, go for a hike, garden, or just enjoy the outdoors.

Let’s assume that you really didn’t have anything better to do than spend dozens of hours traveling, staying in an airport hotel, and sitting in a course all day for two days.

If that’s the case, and we don’t account for ANY value for your time (again, the only resource that you have that is completely non renewable), then the course was $395.88 per hour.

At that same rate, Spencer Study Club would be over $19,000 (48+ hours times $395.88/hour).

BUT, even at that price at least you could enjoy the content when you want, where you want and as much as you want!

You could have your team watch/listen/read the content during their normal work day or in bite sized amounts a few times per week. Including ALL of the team, for less than the cost of a single weekend course. And have the content always available for training NEW team members.

AND THAT’S JUST THE EDUCATIONAL CONTENT! I haven’t even talked about the Mentoring Group yet!!!

(or in the words of “as seen on TV”… But Wait! There’s More!!! :-) )

And the “more” is perhaps even more impactful than the 48+ hours of educational content.

You see, as I said before, knowledge is NOT power. Implementation is power.

Have you ever known someone who knew a TON about something, but never really did anything with their knowledge? Or maybe they’re a “CE Junky” going to every course on every topic, but not really doing much of what they’re learning in their practice?

I’ve known lots of people like that.

And the lack of implementation isn’t always their fault.

There’s only so much you can cram into a weekend course, or even a multi-day program. And most courses have to start from scratch, teaching to the lowest common denominator. There really isn’t time to go into detail on HOW to implement.

And then of course there’s medical insurance! And differences from state to state! And changing guidelines, changing rules and Medicare issues!

It’s a lot to wrap your brain around, and even harder to stay up to date!

I knew when I developed Spencer Study Club that dentists and their teams would not only need the educational content but they would need help to make things work in their practice.

They would need Mentoring.

And I knew that I couldn’t personally mentor hundreds of dentists. And even if I could, I knew it would be infinitely better to have hundreds of dentists providing mentoring and practical guidance TO EACH OTHER.

So I created the Spencer Study Club Mentoring Group.

In the Mentoring Group you’ll have HUNDREDS of like minded dentists virtually looking over your shoulder to help you, sometimes in real time, with your patients.

You’ll have HUNDREDS of like minded dentists helping you with questions about marketing issues, medical insurance, what is the best equipment, software, additional training, you name it! None of whom have anything to sell you! They’re just sharing what is working for them and what they believe could help you.

Imagine having a tough case, or if you’re just getting started maybe it’s one of your FIRST cases, and being able to ask a question to a group of dentists with a combined HUNDREDS OF YEARS of experience and TENS OF THOUSANDS of cases under their belts!

And this isn’t just some other online forum. In the Mentoring Group the dentists aren’t there to puff up their own egos, or to pick a fight, or to show off how smart they are. They’re there to help each other… because we’re all in this together.

The Mentoring Group Consists of:

  • A “secret” Facebook Group (this means it can’t be seen or searched…members are invited in)
  • A monthly members-only live Zoom webinar/meeting (this is some cool tech that allows us to literally be face to face on a monthly basis where we discuss important, current topics and sometimes have guests including sleep doctors, medical billing experts and legal experts)
  • A monthly mailed-to-you-physical-newsletter (it’s nice to get off the computer from time to time!)
  • Members only, high value, low tuition HANDS ON training events (usually we do 2 of these a year, a 1 day program the day before the Academy meeting and a 2 day program in the fall—and we’re looking at doing a cruise!).

And during the Covid crisis we changed the monthly meetings to weekly, so we could support each other even more. We brought in experts on everything from mindfulness to integrative medicine to dealing with the PPP and EIDL grants and loans. Did you have such a support group?


Yep, there’s even more.

What if I told you I’d like to not only help you pay for your membership in Spencer Study Club and the Mentoring Group, but I’d like you to even SAVE MONEY by joining?

Well…if you’re a dentist in the US…here you go…

Because Spencer Study Club already has over 600 members we were approached by Burkhart Dental Supply company about setting up a Group Purchasing Program.

And we’ve done just that.

As a member of Spencer Study Club you will have access to the buying power that is normally reserved for very large group practices and corporate dentistry. The average dentist can save 10-15% or more on their dental supplies using their online ordering portal, and if you live in an area that is directly serviced by a Burkhart rep you’ll have access to their many money saving practice solutions. Their reps are incentivized to HELP YOU SAVE MONEY, not to sell you more stuff.

If your practice does a million in revenue, and you are currently spending about 6% on dental supplies (or $60,000) you will likely be able to save AT LEAST $6,000…A YEAR! Probably more. (According to Burkhart, 10% savings would be on the very low end, but heck—that’s nothing to sneeze at!)

Do the math for your own practice. Maybe you’ll not only save enough to pay for Spencer Study Club but for a trip to Hawaii too!

Bottomline, if you buy dental supplies, your annual membership tuition in Spencer Study Club could be…free.

You’re welcome.

And we’re just getting started!

Our members also receive group discounts on equipment related to DSM and TMD, and discounted rates for help with medical insurance contracting and billing, tax advice, appliance lab fees, Medicare surety bonds, and more!

I don’t want to name drop…but our membership is a “who’s who” list of DSM and TMD. We have dozens of Diplomates in DSM. Nearly every dentist who has purchased a practice limited to DSM/TMD in the United States is a member.  Our members are in the leadership of the major organizations in the fields of sleep and TMD. We have members who have practiced for over 30 years. Members who teach at Dental Schools. This is not just a group of beginners or dentists struggling to make a go of DSM and TMD.

However, we also have lots and lots of beginners and they are welcomed in with open arms by our more seasoned veterans. If you’re a beginner, the fastest path to success is to follow those who are already doing what you strive to do. To follow those who are doing things in the right way.

And that’s what we’re all about in Spencer Study Club.

Helping each other help our patients, while improving our reputations and relationships in our local medical and dental communities, and improving our profitability—creating the lifestyle of our dreams.

So what’s the catch?

I know we’ve been trained to be suspicious… but what if there wasn’t a catch?

To make your decision even more of a no-brainer, I’m offering you my 100% money-back guarantee:

If at ANY TIME in the first 90 days you feel that the information presented to you in Spencer Study Club is not helpful, and that you don’t find value in the Mentoring Group, simply let me know and I will happily refund 100% of your tuition. No hassles, no fine print, and no hard feelings.

AND RIGHT NOW we are also DOUBLING the time you have for the money back guarantee to 6 months!

Twice as long to pay with twice as long of a money back guarantee.

Ready to join?

And one more bonus— since this is the 7th anniversary of Spencer Study Club, you will also have access to ALL 7 YEARS of past content from our monthly zoom meetings, newsletters, Facebook group threads, and more! THAT’S MORE THAN 1862 PAGES OF WRITTEN CONTENT, AND 87 HOURS OF EXCEPTIONAL VIDEO CONTENT, AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! AND I am currently in the process of re-recording the core content, adding additional information and lessons learned over the past 7 years, and you will have access to this new content at no additional charge as well! You will also lock in your annual tuition for life. Our tuition rate WILL GO UP in 2025, so lock in your tuition today.

All you have to do is go to

Open Enrollment with these Bonuses and Special Payment and Guarantee Options Closes Thursday, August 1st

If you’re truly ready to see a massive shift in your practice…

If you’re ready to make a difference in your community and the world around you (and truly save lives and make peoples’ lives better)…

If you’re ready to finally feel like you’re accomplishing what you set out to do in dental school…

If you know that you need to expand your practice beyond what some consider “non essential aerosol producing procedures”…

Then this is the ideal next step for you.

Go to

and start learning what I’ve been using in my practices for over 25 years, enjoy the confidence that comes from having hundreds of like minded dentists as your mentors, and see where it can take you, faster than you ever thought possible.

I know you won’t regret it.

Dedicated to your success,

Jamison Spencer

P.S. I’d love to help you get to where you want to be, MUCH faster than I did. Here’s a little look into what I had to do:

  • Take over a practice limited to TMD directly from Dental School (clearly I'm nuts!)
  • Have a daily mentor for the first 6 months and then significant and regular mentoring on an ongoing basis for several years
  • Become a Fellow and Diplomate in Craniofacial Pain
  • Finish a 3 year distance learning Masters Degree program in Craniofacial Pain (writing a thesis and defending it…fun! 🤨)
  • Become a Diplomate in Dental Sleep Medicine
  • Refine the clinical approaches of my mentor and learn from dozens of other icons in the field
  • Refine my own thoughts and practices by teaching hundreds of CE programs and developing and teaching dozens of advanced programs
  • Struggle through every type of practice management model from “pure boutique” to “insurance based”
  • Spend literally over 100K in fees alone with advisors and consultants, much of which was a complete waste of money since they didn’t really understand the nature of our limited practice
  • Invent a sleep apnea appliance and take it through the FDA approval process
  • Meet with multiple medical directors at big insurance companies and pave the way for others to become in network with medical insurance
  • Go from an initial team of 2 employees to having more than 30 employees and multiple locations in 4 different states
  • Consult and work with a large sleep apnea diagnostic equipment company for three years, which allowed me to meet and talk to hundreds of sleep physicians from all over the world and sleep techs all over the country
  • Have an in-house lab to fabricate appliances (literally in my house in the beginning) and learn the ins and outs of making appliances
  • Create several satellite practice locations, in several states, including seeing patients in the offices of neurologists, sleep doctors, ENT’s and oral surgeons
  • Take over a TMD/DSM practice 2 states away and build it up
  • Make hundreds if not thousands of mistakes over the past 20 years, hopefully learning from many of them :-)
  • Work with a large group practice with over 30 locations helping them implement DSM in their offices, creating relationships with the medical community starting from scratch, and taking them from $0 to over $1M in DSM revenue in a few years (and they're still going strong!)
  • Take over a practice in the fall of 2018 that had been limited to TMD for almost 30 years and already have it be up nearly 100%, with me only needing to be there personally for the first 3 months
  • Recruit incredible practice partners that allow me to lead the life I want with the flexibility I need while continuing to improve the excellent reputation I built for the practice.

That’s just a small sampling of all it took…but you get the idea.

Let’s make that pathway easier and faster for you.

Welcome to the Club!

Join Spencer Study Club Now