We’re going Back to The Beach to take Sleep & TMD to the Next Level at this year’s SSC Live!

Join us for our 3 Day Program that will be unlike anything we’ve ever done before!

Here’s a summary of what we have planned so far:

Keynote Presentation and Workshop with Ross Bernstein

One of the highlights of the AADSM meeting for many who attended was the Keynote Presentation by Ross Bernstein. I heard so many people give raving reviews! I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to attend because I was speaking via Zoom for a Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds at the same time…. so I decided to invite Ross to speak at SSC Live and he accepted!

Ross’ presentation and workshop will be focused on his work “The Champion’s Code” and is going to be awesome for you and your whole team!

Ross is a sports author of nearly 50 books and an internationally renowned speaker. He will kick our conference off with a bang Thursday morning, so make sure you plan to attend all 3 days.

After the workshop with Ross we will break into 2 tracks, 1 for doctors and their more advanced team members (clinical and/or office), and 1 just for team members.

Doctor and Advanced Team Track

  • The “POWER NAP Fellowship” (a really short sleep fellowship 😁), with Dr. Bill Noah: Dr. Noah is a sleep physician and inventor of the revolutionary “V-Com” which dramatically increases patient compliance and effectiveness with PAP therapy. Bill is an excellent teacher with an easy to understand way of explaining some of the more complex topics of sleep medicine. After attending this Power Nap Fellowship you (and your team) will undoubtedly understand more about normal sleep, sleep related breathing disorders, and treatment of sleep apnea than you ever have before. You’ll also learn how much the field has gotten wrong over the years and how this has massively impacted diagnosis and treatment. Attending this “nap fellowship” will bring your knowledge of sleep medicine into the top 1% of physicians and dentists. If you’ve ever wanted to feel extremely confident when speaking to your sleep medicine colleagues, this program is for you.
  • Principles and Practice of Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine, with Dr. Robert Talac: Dr. Talac is an orthopedic surgeon who was doing hundreds of surgeries a year, and now has over 80% of his patients NOT need surgery due to his use of regenerative techniques, primarily use of PRF. His PhD is in the biological sciences so he understands how these regenerative techniques work at the cellular level, and even better, he knows how to teach. Dr. Talac has completely transformed his practice and has become highly sought after by world class athletes who are trying to recover from and/or avoid surgery. EVEN IF YOU NEVER PLAN ON PROVIDING REGENERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN YOUR PRACTICE, you will absolutely want to learn what Dr. Talac has to teach as you or a loved one will almost certainly one day be told you need surgery for a musculoskeletal pain problem that perhaps could be treated non surgically. I find myself talking about PRF to people all the time who are considering neck, back, shoulder, knee or hip surgery, and they are always excited to learn that there might be a less invasive option.


Team Track

  • Working Under Stress Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful, with Jenni Spencer: Back by popular demand, Jenni will be working with your team members, both clinical and office, to help them improve their interpersonal communication skills as well as patient communication skills. For many of you November and December are super busy, and thus have the potential to be super stressful. Bring your team to Newport Beach for a little rest and relaxation and Jenni will help them strengthen their emotional resilience, setting your office up for a fantastic final 2 months of 2024 and put you in position to carry that momentum into 2025.
  • Hands-on Clinical Techniques, with Team Spencer: Your clinical team members will have the option to learn, re-learn, or enhance their skills when it comes to intra-oral scanning, taking bite records (analogue and digital), making a temporary splint, making a temporary sleep appliance, and taking a patient’s initial history. If you’re personally doing any of the above, and it’s not required by your state law, you shouldn’t be. Bring your team members to increase their clinical confidence and make your practice more profitable.
  • A Team Members’ Guide to Helping Patients Say Yes, with Dr. Jamison Spencer: No one gets helped in your office without saying yes to treatment, and this all starts (and sometimes ends) with your front desk. Those patients who do make it to your office likely interact with several of your team before ever meeting you. And after you’ve done the world’s greatest examination, treatment planning and case presentation you most likely have someone else come in to finalize the deal—sometimes referred to as the sales prevention department. Even if your team is amazing I’m sure they’ll pick up some pearls on how EVERY member of your office team is involved in helping people want and get the treatment that they need.


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SSC Live! Newport Beach

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SSC Live! Newport Beach

Continued Education provided by The Center for Sleep Apnea & TMJ.